Register for the International UFO Congress
12th Dec 2008 | by: Admin

My First UFO

Glenn Kimball

Glenn Kimball

This last July I was lecturing at James Gilliland’s ranch. During the early evening hours we looked toward the eastern horizon and saw a huge triangular shaped craft meandering south toward Mount Hood, in Washington. As you know Mount Hood is where they recorded the first “flying saucer”. It is one thing to believe in UFO’s and quite another to actually see one. It has caused me to reflect on what I know about history and physics. I have come to the conclusion that one can not understand this universe in which we live without a broad understanding of everything from astronomy and mathematics to religion. We have hidden what our ancestors knew. For such a long time we believe that they were ignorant savages who escaped the primitive hunter gather jungles and survived via an evolution of events until our time. Nothing could be farther from the truth. We are the ones who live in the dark ages of science and religion.

B. A., M. A. Journalism and Communication
Finished course and testing for Ph.D. in Communication.
Former President of International Exchange School
Founder of

Glenn speaks Monday February 23, 2009 – 8:30 am – Noon

One Comment

  • […] Click Here for More Details Dr. Joseph Farrell – The Bell, Bormann, and Bariloche: Secret Nazi Hyper-dimensional Physics Research, Its Postwar Survival in Argentina, and its Implications- Dr. Farrell describes the basis of the Third Reich’s research into hyper-dimensional physics and the three purposes of that research: to discover a technology, epitomized in “The Bell,” that would be capable of manipulating the fabric of space-time for “free” energy, field propulsion, and the ultimate doomsday weapon. […]

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