About: Ruben Uriarte has been a member of MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) as a Field Investigator, State Director for Northern California and Deputy Director of Investigations/International Affairs and has been involved with a large network of research organizations. He has been interviewed on many local and national radio shows and television documentaries. He has authored four books, co-written with Texas UFO researcher Noe Torres about major UFO crashes that have occurred along the Southwestern United States border with Mexico and other historical cases. The following books are – Mexico’s Roswell (1st & 2nd Edition), The Other Roswell, Aliens in the Forest and The Coyame Incident. He was a contributor to the recent book ”UFOs Over Mexico – Encounters With Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”.
Web: RoswellBooks.com
Talk Synopsis: Border Crossings of the Third Kind
Mexico and the United States are separated by a geo-political border but both countries share the same UFO phenomenon. Increased reports of UFO sightings and other strange events have become a part of every day reality. Ruben Uriarte and Texas UFO researcher Noe Torres have investigated UFO crashes that have occurred along the border of Southwestern United States and Mexico. Ruben will provide an In-depth power point presentation on their latest research on numerous, complex UFO cases along the border that rival Roswell in their complexity.
Date: Friday, February 20, 2015
Time: 9:00 – 10:15 AM