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Chuck Zukowski

Home / Chuck Zukowski

Bio: For the past 30 years, Chuck Zukowski has been an IC Mask Design Engineering contractor. He’s been on microchip design teams working on projects as simple as optics for traffic light controllers, and as complex as Spy Satellites, Deep Space Probes, and LIDAR technology. Within that time, Chuck was also a volunteer Deputy Sheriff for El Paso County Sheriff’s Department for eight years and was terminated for running animal mutilation investigations within his county. As a UFO/Paranormal Field Investigator, Chuck has been researching and Field Investigating the unknown for more than three decades. As an investigator, he’s appeared on radio and television shows discussing his investigations and currently has his own TV Show on the Travel Channel called, “Alien Highway”. Chuck approaches every investigation from a skeptical point of view looking for any known possibility before claiming otherwise. He also implements new and innovative field experiments from time to time to enhance his investigations looking for new evidence. Chuck runs his website, and also holds the title, “Deputy Director of Animal Mutilation Investigations” for MUFON International. (Mutual UFO Network).


UFONut.comAlien Highway Travel Channel Website

Lecture: Alien Highway – What I’ve Learned

Chuck will cover episode information from his first season of Alien Highway. He’ll show behind the
scenes photos, elaborate on some of the investigations, and talk about the new information he’s
learned. He’ll also talk about some of his recent Animal Mutilation investigations, and what he’s also
learned about those.