Register for the International UFO Congress
29th Jan 2009 | by: Admin

Rob Simone

Rob Simone

Rob Simone, award-winning radio host and journalist will interview Gordon Novel who for over 30 years has been a social political intelligence operative with direct involvement Waco, Watergate, JFK assasination, UFOs and U.S. controlled alien technology.

Gordon reveals the internal struggle between Majestic 12, the Illuminati and the CIA to balance the global economy and the time travel paradox associated with this ground braking back-engineered alien technology. This exclusive one one presentation will include visual evidence and an open forum for questions and answers.

Rob Simone Biography

Rob Simone is an award-winning media personality and has traveled through 27 countries exploring mysterious and sacred places and the unexplained phenomenon that surrounds them.

In the late 1990’s Rob earned a para-legal degree and began working for the civil activist organization Citizens Against UFO Secrecy which was the first UFO organization to use the legal system to bring law suits against the Dept. of Defense and the Air Force to expose the government?s secrecy and cover up of the extra-terrestrial phenomenon.

In addition, Rob has authored 2 books, “UFOs in the Headlines…Real Reporting on a REal Phenomenon” and “UFOs Crop Circles and the Mayan Calendar.”

Rob hosts a top-rated talk show on 104.4 FM London and was recently included in FATE Magazine’s “Top 100 Ufologists” list along with Dan Aykroyd and Steven Spielberg and has been featured in UFO Magazine, Nippon TV, FOX News, Coast to Coast AM and recently on the 2-hour History Channel program “Decoding The Past.”


Presentation: Saturday February 28, 2009 1:30 – 3:15 PM

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