About: Dr. John Alexander has been a leading advocate for the development of non-lethal weapons. In 2003 he served as a mentor to Afghan Ministry of Defense senior officials through the Office of Military Cooperation – Afghanistan, (Coalition Forces) Kabul. He has traveled to ALL of the continents on Earth and made presentations on each. He trekked the remote areas of Tibet including the Mount Everest Base Camp, went to Timbuktu in the Sahel in West Africa, tracked mountain gorillas in Rwanda, met shamans in the Amazon, and in 2013 traveled on horseback to observe nomadic Reindeer shamans of northern Mongolia and attended voodoo ceremonies in Togo and Benin.
With broad interest in phenomena he is a former president of the International Association for Near-Death Studies, founding board member of the International Remote Viewers Association, and three-term council member of the Society for Scientific Exploration. He organized an interagency study on UFOs, taught psychokinesis in the military, participated in telepathic interspecies communications studies, and replicated Cleve Backster’s primary perception experiments.
He entered the US Army as a private in 1956 and rose through the ranks to sergeant first class, attended OCS, and was a colonel of Infantry in 1988 when he retired. During his varied career, he held many key positions in special operations, intelligence, and research and development. From 1966 through early 1969 he commanded Special Forces “A” Teams in Vietnam and Thailand. His last military assignment was as Director, Advanced System Concepts Office, U.S. Army Laboratory Command. Later his civilian U.S. Government affiliation afforded him Senior Executive Service (SES) equivalency. Retiring from the Army, Dr. Alexander joined Los Alamos National Laboratory and conducted non-lethal warfare briefings at the highest levels of government including the White House Staff, National Security Council, Members of Congress, Director of Central Intelligence, and senior Defense officials. He was invited to address the German Bundestag and then went to The Hague and addressed international delegates to the Chemical Warfare Convention. He has advised the CIA, US Special Operations Command, the National Intelligence Council, The Council on Foreign Relations, the National Research Council, and the Army Science Board.
Academically, he holds a M.A., Pepperdine University, Ph.D., Walden University, and later attended the Anderson School of Management at UCLA, the Sloan School of Management at MIT, and the Kennedy School of Government general officer program “National and International Security for Senior Executives” at Harvard University. In addition to many military awards for valor and service, Aviation Week & Space Technology selected him as a 1993 Aerospace Laureate and in 1997 inducted him into the Hall of Fame at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington. In 2001 he joined the Officer’s Candidate School Hall of Fame at Ft. Benning, GA and in 2012 he was inducted into the Sokeship Council of Martial Arts Grandmasters. Currently retired, his books include, The Warrior’s Edge, Wm. Morrow, (1990) Future War, with foreword by Tom Clancy, St. Martin’s Press (1999), and the sequel, Winning the War, published August 2003and UFOs: Myths Conspiracies and Realities in 2011.
Web: John B. Alexander
Talk Synopsis: UFOs: Science or Science Fiction
There is no doubt the multiple aerial phenomena exist and deserve serious study. Unfortunately the prospects for such investigation are seriously undermined by several factors, including a predominant scientific materialistic view of the universe, irrational skepticism, and most importantly, the many conspiracy theorists who claim to be part of the “UFO community.” Compared with the search for the “God Particle,” funding for UFO research is miniscule. There is an urgent need to allow competent scientists to study UFOs without risking their reputation or livelihood. Wild, unsubstantiated claims that abound in the field may be titillating and entertaining, but are contraindicated and detrimental to furthering high quality research. With endemic ergofusion many high profile “UFO experts” pontificate on demonstrably false premises. This must change if we are ever to get a grip on the on the extremely complex phenomena that are being observed.
Date:Saturday February 15, 2014
Time:9:00 – 10:15 AM