About: Linda Zimmermann is a research chemist turned award-winning author of 30 books on science, history, the paranormal, and fiction. She has lectured across the country, and has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows. Linda starred in the documentary, In the Night Sky: I Recall a UFO, which was based on her research into sightings in the Hudson Valley of New York. The film won the 2013 People’s Choice Award at the International UFO Congress. Her two UFO books are: In the Night Sky and Hudson Valley UFOs, and she is currently working on a third book on the subject.
Web: GotoZim.com
Talk Synopsis: Hudson Valley UFOs
For over 100 years, residents of New York’s Hudson Valley have been experiencing startling UFO encounters and sightings. From the “mysterious airships” of the early 1900s, to “missing time” cases since the 1920s, to the wave of massive triangles in the 1980s, to fascinating present-day cases, author Linda Zimmermann’s research points to the possibility that this region may be the most active in the country. Zimmermann will present the best evidence from interviews conducted with hundreds of eyewitnesses, including multi-generational abduction cases, and accounts from law-enforcement and military personnel who know they have encountered things that defy conventional explanations.
Date: Thursday, February 19, 2015
Time: 9:00 – 10:15 AM