Register for the International UFO Congress

Linda Zimmermann

Home / Linda Zimmermann

Bio: Linda Zimmermann is a research scientist turned award-winning author of over 30 books, and has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows. Linda starred in the documentary, In the Night Sky: I Recall a UFO, which was based on her research into sightings in the Hudson Valley of New York. The film won the 2013 People’s Choice Award at the International UFO Congress. Her three UFO books are: In the Night Sky, Hudson Valley UFOs, and More Hudson Valley UFOs, and she is the host of the podcast UFO Headquarters.

Lecture: Hudson Valley UFOs: Cases That Challenge Perception

The Hudson Valley of New York has had one of the earliest UFO flaps, as well as one of the most prolonged and intense. It is no wonder then, that witnesses in this region have also had some of the most bizarre experiences. From people standing shoulder to shoulder, yet seeing completely different objects, to animal reactions which may help us to better understand the nature of the phenomena, the Hudson Valley provides an endless variety of cases—cases that challenge our perception.