Register for the International UFO Congress
2nd Mar 2011 | by: Admin

Thank you to each and every person who helped in making the 20th International UFO Congress one to remember. I just wanted to take a moment to recognize some of the individuals behind the scenes

Special Thanks:

Our dedicated A/V crew – Carlo Petrick, co-organizer Jason McClellan, Jordan Pease, Abby Lewis, John Knott, Danny Torgerson, Sean Oliver, Jason Cordova, Rachel Heiser, Eddie Nouri, Jake McClellan and Andre Hardy.

J.K. Scott for organizing and facilitating the EBE Film Festival and Dakota James for making sure everyone got to watch the films, and the volunteers who helped with security, vendor sales and more.

And a very special thanks to my fellow organizers Alejandro Rojas, Angela Rao and Jason McClellan.

I can assure you we are already working hard on the details for the 2012 event which will be better than ever – exact dates will be announced soon.

I hope to see everyone at the 2012 IUFOC! Next year maybe the weather will behave and be a lovely 75 degrees like I promised so many of you.

Thanks from myself and the IUFOC team!

Co-Organizer IUFOC

One Comment

  • I am pleased to let you know how much we enjoyed this year’s UFO Congress at Ft. McDowell Casino. This was the 1st UFO event we have attended and we simply did not know what to expect … but the professionalism of the speakers and the apparent sincere interest in the subject matter was very nice to see and I can state that we will be at many more events from this point on.

    John & Carol Hrusovszky

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