Register for the International UFO Congress


Rainbow Eagle (Rolland J. Williston) is a registered (Okla)Choctaw who has been honored with the responsibility of teaching about an ancient drawing called the Peace Shield (from the Anishinabe/Ojibwe tradition). This is part of the fulfillment of the Seventh Fire Prophecy which says that Native teachings are to help bring “the human family back together again.” Many indigenous Elders have shared teachings with him about what can be called “Natural Spirituality” in the hope that we can begin to become “related” with all life, including the Cosmos once again. He holds a masters degree in education and he has worked most of this life as an adolescent and family therapist.

Presenting: Wednesday February 23, 2011: 1:30 – 2:45 P.M.

Native American Star Stories: The Past Reflects our Future

Rainbow Eagle is an Okla-Choctaw American Indian and has spent most of his life traveling and living among traditional Native Americans, both on and off reservations in the U.S. and Canada, sharing stories with traditional people, and learning from their most respected elders. He is a revered storyteller and teacher, and includes in his teachings the Native American Star Stories—interactions between Native Americans and Star People.

Find out more about Rainbow Eagle