It was very exciting for the IUFOC attendees to get a chance to view Race to Witch Mountain, the Disney Movie before it hit theaters. On February 27, 2009 over 200 people stayed awake until midnight and ventured across the street from the Aquarius Resort (where the ufo convention was located) to preview the movie at the Horizon Stadium 9 Cinemas. The theater was packed and everyone was excited to see this movie so many people in the UFO Field took part in helping to create. Several people had their footage of UFOs shown in the beginning, and each time their footage was shown you would hear a section of the auditorium break out in cheers and clapping.
One of the speakers for this year’s conference, Dr. Roger Leir was listed in the film as a speaker along with the main character, Dr. Alex Friedman.
This is not the normal activity for the UFO Congress Convention but since Nicole Irvine worked with set designers on UFO Expo Hall she was able to convince Disney, with the help of Barclay Communications to allow her group to view the movie before it’s national release scheduled for March 13, 2009.
“We are so grateful to Disney and Barclay Communications for helping to make this showing happen. I have never seen such a excited group of people at the movies at midnight.” says Irvine.