Register for the International UFO Congress
12th Jun 2019 | by: Alejandro

In this episode we welcome back three recent guests, Danny Silva of SilvaRecord.com, Joe Murgia of UFOJoe.net, and Mike Damante of PunkRockandUFOs.com. All three of these guys run blogs that follow the latest breaking news regarding the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), the Pentagon’s secretive UFO Program, and the To the Stars Academy (TTSA). The later was created by rock star Tom Delonge, and includes Luis Elizondo, former head of AATIP, and other high level officials. AATIP and TTSA are featured in the new History Channel series Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.

In this roundtable we discuss the recent Open Minds UFO Radio and UFO Podcast interviews of Luis Elizondo, new information shared in the latest episodes of Unidentified, and other late breaking news regarding UFOs and the U.S. government.

History’s Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation website.

Open Minds UFO Radio interview with Elizondo.

Podcast UFO Elizondo interview on YouTube.

UFO Headlines: www.openminds.tv/category/ufoheadlines

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