Register for the International UFO Congress

Stephen Bassett

Home / Stephen Bassett

About: Stephen Bassett is an exopolitical activist and a leading advocate for ending the 65-year government imposed truth embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. He is the executive director of the Paradigm Research Group (PRG) which will produce a “Citizen Hearing on Disclosure” in 2013. Stephen has spoken to audiences around the world about the implications of formal Disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence, and his advocacy work has been extensively covered by national and international media.


Talk Synopsis: UFO Disclosure

Disclosure (capital “D”) is the formal acknowledgment by world governments of an extraterrestrial (non-human) intelligence engaging
the human race. It is the primary goal of a growing truth advocacy movement, and it will be the most profound event in human history.
Much will have happened by the time of the 23rd International UFO Congress. Stephen will report on the progress with the United
Nations Joint Resolution Initiative, the Congressional Hearing Initiative, the Truth Embargo documentary, and other developments

Date: Wednesday, February 12th
Time: 10:30 – 11:45 AM

Come see Steve Bassett at the 2014 IUFOC